
Hi 👋 I am Michele,a Full Stack developercurrently based in Montréal, Canada


Outspoken Italo-Canadian with 6 years of experience in Videogame QA. Forever focused on problem-solving, with a knack for intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, I always aim for smooth UX and accessibility. I decided to shift my focus to web developing to challenge myself to a more dynamic and ever-evolving environment.

Technologies I work with:

  • Testing libraries: Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Mocha, Chai, Storybook, Capybara.
  • Frameworks, libraries & environments: Node.js, React.js, Next.js, Express, EJS, Tailwind, Bootstrap, SASS, Gatsby, Ruby on Rails.
  • Database: Postgres, DynamoDB.
  • Spoken languages: Italian (Mother tongue), English (Fluent), French (Basic).
  • Languages: Javascript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, SQL.


  • 2021
    • June

      Moved to Wiiisdom to work on building our customer support platform. My focus here is on the development of its front-end, which offers products and documentation access, knowledge base articles and an interface to our Zoho ticketing system. I also work on further improvement of projects to ease access to the AWS services, and a Zoho extension to help our support teams to interface with our Netsuite CRM.

    • February

      Became a Full stack developer @ Agilean, which offers Alix, a SaaS platform for production planning, and consulting services. Here, I handled front-end & back-end bug fixing, implementation of new features and deployment of new versions of Alix.

  • 2020
    • October

      Graduated from the Lighthouse Labs Web Development bootcamp.

  • 2016
    • March

      Promoted to Senior LQA Tester @ Keywords Studios. This allowed me to be entrusted with a supervisor position on several projects, both AAA and smaller ones.

  • 2014
    • January

      Started working in the videogame industry as a LQA Tester.

  • 2013
    • December

      Moved to Montreal and completed the CELTA course.



A mini e-commerce application built with Rails 4.2 for purposes of teaching Rails by example.


Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone. It runs on an instantiated database, has a characters counter and handles incorrect tweet submissions.


TinyApp is a full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la The project is available on Heroku.

Interview Scheduler

The Interview Scheduler is a single-page app that simulates a one-to-one meeting planner between students and available mentors.


Luckypot is an innovative solution for organizing potlucks. This is the collaborative final project for the Lighthouse Labs July cohort. The project is available on Heroku.

Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Timer built to practice with Redux ToolKit. Allows customization of work/pause/long pause, tracks pomodoros completed.
